
180 countries Learn more about 180 countries

  • Vietnam's organic agricultural products are sold to 180 countries around the world.

    Vietnam's organic agricultural products are sold to 180 countries around the world.

    Vietnam National Agriculture Center in Hanoi and Guilin Group jointly held a forum on the promotion of organic agriculture production in Hue City a few days ago. The forum attracted leaders, experts, scientists and farmers from some provinces and cities to participate. According to the letter provided by the forum

    2020-11-27 Vietnam organic agricultural products sold to the world 180 countries the more
  • How much is the local dog commonly known as the Chinese Pastoral Dog? The cost and profit of keeping 50 country dogs?

    How much is the local dog commonly known as the Chinese Pastoral Dog? The cost and profit of keeping 50 country dogs?

    Chinese pastoral dogs are commonly known as local dogs. In rural areas, local dogs are caretakers, so most households have native dogs, and there are many breeds of them. As far as the price is concerned, the price will be different if the variety is different. So, commonly known as the Chinese pastoral dog

    2020-11-11 Commonly known as China pastoral dog native dog price more less money
  • The benefit of layered co-culture of pigs and chickens is high.

    The benefit of layered co-culture of pigs and chickens is high.

    It is reported that the good method of layered co-breeding of pigs and chickens was first popularized and used in rural areas of Shanxi Province in 1998. Seven years later, this feeding method has been widely promoted in most rural areas of our country, and has achieved good economic and social benefits. According to the introduction of pig-chicken joint farmers, in the pig-chicken joint breeding house of about 32 square meters, using the method of high-bed cage (upper layer raising chickens, lower layer raising pigs), the upper layer can raise about 180 ~ 200 laying hens, and the lower layer can raise 6 ~ 8 fattening pigs (or piglets).

  • How much is the Zaojiao seed per jin? How is the planting benefit of Gleditsia sinensis?

    How much is the Zaojiao seed per jin? How is the planting benefit of Gleditsia sinensis?

    Soap horn in many producing areas across the country, the growth is relatively fast but the economic benefit is very good, low-cost planting so that many planting friends like it. So how much is the Zaojiao seed per jin? How is the planting benefit of Gleditsia sinensis? How much is the Zaojiao seed per jin? Dazaojiao is also called

    2020-11-09 Soap horn species more seeds less money one jin soap horn trees planting benefit
  • Where is the origin of Maojian? how much is the price per jin in 2019?

    Where is the origin of Maojian? how much is the price per jin in 2019?

    Maojian is a kind of green tea, and there are many producing areas of maojian in the country. The hairy tip of each product tastes different. It has something to do with the local geography and climate and many other factors. Mao Tip can stop bleeding and disinfect, decompose tobacco toxins and many other benefits. that,

    2020-11-09 Maojian origin where is it 2019 price more less money one jin
  • Guangming pig line

    Guangming pig line

    Guangming pig matching line is composed of two specialized strains: paternal line and maternal line. Guangming male line is based on Duroc pig, and Guangming maternal line is based on Shige female pig, which is selected and bred after 5 generations. Guangming pig is cultivated by Shenzhen Guangming Animal Husbandry Joint Venture Co., Ltd., approved by the Pig breed approval Committee of the National Livestock and Poultry breed approval Committee in July 1998 and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture in July 1999. Guangming pig matching line adopts binary matching, easy to operate, obvious heterosis and good consistency of commercial pigs. Have health

  • King's Landing-Jianlan Super Lotus Valve

    King's Landing-Jianlan Super Lotus Valve

    Carry forward the national orchid culture, spread the knowledge of orchids in the world, Jianlan super lotus valve, the original price of 300 yuan, the current price of 180 yuan per seedling, 2 seedlings for sale, authentic, free delivery, is Junhe and a variety of hybrid, wide leaf width, deep color, thick peeling, and.

  • How many jin can Luhua chicken grow?

    How many jin can Luhua chicken grow?

    Luhua chicken is a native chicken breed in China, which comes from Wenshang County, Shandong Province, and is now all over the world; its feathers are black and white, the markings of Roosters are wider than those of black, and the markings of hens are wide and narrow. So, how many jin can Luhua chicken grow? 1. How many jin can Luhua chicken grow? Male gourd

    2020-11-11 Luhua chicken can long how much jin Reed flower chicken yes our country native
  • How much is the price of wild Dendrobium now? What kinds do you have?

    How much is the price of wild Dendrobium now? What kinds do you have?

    Dendrobium is a kind of ornamental and medicinal plant in China, with bright color and fragrant smell, and is known as one of the four ornamental flowers. How much is the price of wild Dendrobium now? What kinds do you have? First, the basic situation of Dendrobium 1. The producing area of Dendrobium

    2020-11-09 Now in wild Dendrobium price more less money one jin species
  • Medicinal value of black chicken

    Medicinal value of black chicken

    Medicinal value of black chicken

  • Food security should not only be self-reliant but also open.

    Food security should not only be self-reliant but also open.

    China is a country with a large population, and food security cannot all depend on the international market. For the sake of China's food security, one is to have bottom line thinking, and the other is to have market thinking. The latter not only refers to the use of the international market to import food from abroad, but also includes: further reform

    2016-01-10 Grain security all self-improvement also opening up China the country a
  • The most fragrant flower in China is known as the first fragrant garden in the world. Plant 3 fragrant flowers quickly

    The most fragrant flower in China is known as the first fragrant garden in the world. Plant 3 fragrant flowers quickly

    Speaking of fragrant flowers, many people know osmanthus, gardenia, but the flowering period is very short, and not very good to raise. Today, I would like to introduce a flower that smells like green radish but also smells good. The name of the tree is seven, and it is called "heaven."

  • Gleditsia sinensis, a tree species worth popularizing in eco-economic type.

    Gleditsia sinensis, a tree species worth popularizing in eco-economic type.

    Gleditsia sinensis is a tall tree with a full fruit period of 200 years. It is a kind of eco-economic multi-purpose tree species with broad development potential in China. Gleditsia sinensis is drought-resistant and water-saving, with well-developed roots, suitable for growing in areas where the frost-free period is not less than 180days, the lowest temperature is not less than minus 20 ℃, the light is not less than 2400 hours, and the rainfall is not more than 800mm. Gleditsia sinensis is not only a good tree species for urban and rural landscape forest and road greening, but also an important hedge tree species because of its heat resistance, cold resistance and pollution resistance. Gleditsia can fix nitrogen and adapt to it.

  • How do deciduous trees and weeping willows spread their seeds? How much is the sapling price? What are the planting techniques?

    How do deciduous trees and weeping willows spread their seeds? How much is the sapling price? What are the planting techniques?

    The weeping willow is a tall deciduous tree with wide distribution and strong vitality. It is not only one of the common tree species, but also a commonly used street tree in landscaping. How does the weeping willow spread its seeds? How much is the sapling price? What are the planting techniques? According to the data of Salicaceae, willows spread their seeds by the wind.

  • What are the breeds of improved pigs

    What are the breeds of improved pigs

    What are the breeds of improved pigs

  • Apricot (apricot)

    Apricot (apricot)

    Plum genus of Rosaceae, perennial deciduous fruit trees, trees or shrubs, also known as common apricot. Scientific name PrunusarmeniacaL. Apricot is native to China. Apricot was cultivated 2600 years ago. The "Silk Road" spread to Iran, Armenia, Greece, Rome and other countries along the Mediterranean in the 2nd century BC, to Japan in the 10th century, and to Europe and America after the 18th century. In 1988, the world's total output of apricot was 2.112 million tons, mainly in Asia. The cultivation of apricot in China is most concentrated in the provinces of the Yellow River basin. Tree height 6

  • What are the common laying hens?

    What are the common laying hens?

    What are the common laying hens?

  • What kind of tea does Jintan sparrow tongue belong to?

    What kind of tea does Jintan sparrow tongue belong to?

    China is a big tea country, and many people like to drink tea. Different regions will produce different kinds of tea. There is a kind of tea in Jiangsu called Jintan sparrow tongue. What kind of tea does it belong to? First, what kind of tea does Jintan sparrow tongue belong to? Jintan sparrow tongue belongs to green tea, which gets its name because it looks like sparrow tongue. Produced in the river

    2020-11-09 Jintan Finch tongue belong to what tea I the country big country
  • How to cultivate Dutch beans with high yield

    How to cultivate Dutch beans with high yield

    Dutch beans belong to the genus Pea of Leguminosae, annual twining herbs with high 90~180cm. The area where Dutch beans were first cultivated was along the Thailand-Myanmar border about 12,000 years ago. Round ones are also called honey beans or honey beans, flat ones are called green beans or Dutch beans, and Lesser Cold

    2020-11-08 Dutch beans how cultivation can high yield yes legumes
  • Lvguangdeng-Jian Lan Sijilan eight famous products old plum petal green plum Shu mei

    Lvguangdeng-Jian Lan Sijilan eight famous products old plum petal green plum Shu mei

    Carry forward the national orchid culture, spread orchid knowledge Lvguangdeng (plum), also known as Shumei, Jianlan (Sijilan) one of the eight famous products, the old species, plum petal, the original price of 300 yuan, the current price of 180 yuan per seedling, 2 seedlings for sale, authentic, free delivery, the origin of Sichuan since.
